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Quickly qualifying prospects in a Research List
Paul May avatar
Written by Paul May
Updated over a week ago

Once prospects have been added to a Research List, BuzzStream automatically collects information from leading marketing tools to help you qualify prospects. This includes:

  • Site metrics: traffic, authority, and backlink profile

  • Page metrics: traffic, authority, outbound linking behavior, and backlinks

  • contact info: email addresses, phone numbers, social media, etc.

  • Site and page info: Title tags, description, SERP snippets, etc.

Once your research list has been populated, you'll be presented a screen showing each website, the 'Research Pages' for each site, metrics, and discovered contact information.

For each Research Page, BuzzStream automatically captures the title tag and the meta description for the page, as well as the title tag for the website's home page. You can use this to eyeball results in your list to see if they're relevant to your campaign.

If you find a prospect (or set of prospects) that you want to approve/reject based on this information, simply click the 'approve/reject' icon for that record. If you want to do this for a group of site, you can do this from the bulk toolbar:

Approving or rejecting an individual prospect

Approving or rejecting prospects en masse

Use the checkboxes to select the prospects you want to act on and select 'Set Status' from the toolbar

Filtering by metrics

If you use metrics as part of your qualification criteria, you can use BuzzStream's filters to quickly eliminate prospects that don't meet your qualification criteria.

Click 'Filter' and then expand the 'Metrics' section of the Research Filters.

Filtering by Site and Page Characteristics

Many times, as you work through your Research Lists, you'll begin to see patterns in the Research Pages' title tags and URLs that you reject. For example, you might find that you're rejecting all sites on a top-level domain or all sites with a specific word in the title tag. Once you've identified this pattern, you can reject these sites en masse by using the Research Page Filters.

Click 'Filter' and then expand the 'Research Pages' section of the Research Filters

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