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Setting up a project
Paul May avatar
Written by Paul May
Updated over a week ago

Create a project for each campaign that you want to manage in BuzzStream. If you're managing campaigns for more than one domain or client, you can group your projects in folders so that you stay organized.

Create a New Project

  1. Navigate to the top menu of the software.

  2. Select 'New Project'.

Add Project Details

  1. Name your project.

  2. Optionally, add a description to provide important details about the campaign, such as objectives or advanced operators for finding prospects.

Assign Team Members

  1. Choose who should have access to the project to facilitate collaboration.

  2. Options include making the project available to everyone on your team, just yourself, or specific team members.

Set Up Research Metrics

  1. Review the research metrics area, which is divided into multiple sections detailing the different metrics available in our software.

  2. Note that some sections are included in your project by default, while others require manual activation.

  3. If using Ahrefs metrics, connect your Ahrefs account first to access them.

Add a URL to the Link Monitoring Section (Optional)

  1. If your campaign is focused on promoting a specific URL, such as a blog post or landing page, enter the link.

  2. Our software will track placements for the specified URL or any page on the same domain, based on your preference.

Set Up Placement Notifications

  1. Choose whether to receive a backlink report every two weeks or opt for notifications about placements containing flagged words (e.g., competitor names).

Create the Project

  1. Click 'Create Project'.

  2. Your new project is now ready for adding contacts and collaborating with your team.

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